Friday 14 June 2013

Treatment of Own Film


My film will resemble Lord of the Rings in terms of shot types, mise-en-scene and locations. It's important that I follow this as it is the main film of fantasy films. There needs to be establishing shots to ensure that we get the correct shots for the genre we are doing. Also the locations need to be authentic in order to make the film believable and for the audience to enjoy the film. If these were not correct the audience would not be as inclined to watch it.
The locations that I will be filming at will ensure that the genre of fantasy is clear. I will be going to 2/3 different locations to make sure that I can get a range of shots and settings. The locations that I am going to film will represent the fantasy genre. I need to ensure that the locations are authentic.
I am going to be using costumes that fully represent the fantasy genre. The costumes will be similar to the ones used in Lord of the Rings. The female character will have a long flowing dress with a corseted back and plaited hair. The male character will be wearing robes and canvas shoes. The costumes are essential to making the film authentic.


  1. Be a little more specific in what your costumes will look like, where your locations would be, maybe choose some different fantasy films and select elements that you will use in your film.

    proficient work on drafting

  2. Thorough work on drafting and ideas for costume and mise en scene, Proficient work.
