Friday 14 June 2013

Synopsis of Own Film


Created with a predominantly male audience (12+ years) on mind, Legacy is great combination of action and fantasy.

Corey Smith stars as Favian a  young warrior and Ben Bellenger stars as the wizard Xalvador. The story is set in a medieval village (Following the fantasy genre). Warrior Favian has to seek out the source of a curse that has hit his family, it is his job to save them along with the rest of the village. The curse was always seen as a myth that nobody believed and it was always something that the people of the village never spoke about. When trying to seek out the curse Favian realises that the problem is a lot bigger than first expected. He goes back to try and gain the support from his older twin brothers (Terrin and Jarin) who do not believe in the curse and think that the whole situation is made up in order for Favian to gain respect from his Father and his oldest brother (Destrian) who are the leaders of the village. Also with Arabella (love interest, appealing to the female audience) believing in the curse she is adamant that Favian could not defeat the wizard.
When his brothers throw it back in his face he leaves on his own in search for the curse. He eventually finds that it is down to the evil wizard (Xalvador) and that he must find the potion to end the curse once and for all. Xalvador gives him 24 hours to return to him else he is going to destroy the village and all of the people in it, setting up obstacles for Favian to overcome on his way Xalvador is almost certain that he won't survive. Young Favian, is very close to death and has to return to the lair of Xalvador with the potion to save his life and the rest of the family. Once he returns Favian has to fight the elements and beat the wizard. Favian beats the wizard and the curse is stopped, Favian then kills Xalvador.
On returning to the village he is greeted with great respect from his older brothers and particularly his father. Favian turns out to be the hero of the village. 

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