Friday 14 June 2013



Filming at Roche Rock went very well using the Canon 60D and the Canon 6D we managed to capture high quality footage. The weather was very good also which really helped with the lighting for our filming however in the afternoon it got a lot cloudier losing the natural light and we had no forms of artificial lighting so we had to carry on. We managed to get all the footage we needed from that one location in one day which was great because it meant that we didnt have to return. From that one day of filming we got up to 1 and a half minutes footage to be used in our trailer.
We took 6 people with us with 2 people acting the rest of us were filming which was really good because it meant we could all capture the same scene from different angles providing us a range of shot types to be used in the film trailer. Also it meant that we could get things done a lot quicker and not have to keep re-filming the same scene. With two people being able to do the make up for the actors it meant that, that was done a lot quicker as well.
However looking back we could have taken more actors and the we would have been able to film more scenes there and not have to have gone to other locations.

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