Friday 14 June 2013

Flat Plans

I constructed three flat plans for my film poster to get some ideas together on how I want my real one to look. I will change the designs when I make it but it is really helpful to have plans to make it easier to construct the layout. 

I constructed this design baring in mind the conventions of film posters that I researched previously. The large film title is essential because the audience that I am aiming at are adults and they will be seeing the poster on the back of buses or in train stations as they are passing. The title needs to be the largest part of the poster layered on top of an image.
I will be using an image of one of the main characters in the film as again this is one of the main conventions of a poster.
The star rating is an extra that is only occasionally used on posters and therefore I thought I could maybe include it on mine.
The actors names will be featured just above the image and the release date at the bottom.

This design is a bit more basic but includes similar features to the previous one. I have changed the layout on this design to make it more attractive.
By placing the names of the actors at the top of the poster it is more organised and therefore more attractive to the audience.
The title of the film is more central  at the bottom of the page and considering the audience will be walking/driving past it needs to be the main thing on the page.
Again I will be having the main actor as the image on the poster.
The difference on this design is I have left space at the very bottom of the poster to include the production and distribution details. This is something that is often featured but not always and from my research I wouldn't say it was an essential feature.

This is the most 'busy' design I constructed. There is more focus on the mini reviews from magazines. I don't think this is something I need to necessarily include but it may be a good feature. The audience that I am aiming for is adults and where he adverts will be placed the reviews won't be visible.
The actors names remain at the top of the poster this is something that I will stick with for my poster that I make.
The film title is a lot smaller than the previous two designs however I will definitely stick with the big font because it is the most important part of the poster as the point in it is to promote the film.

For my final design I will take aspects from all three posters to create my actual film poster.


  1. comment on how these will appeal to the audience and show the genre, also try to draw or describe the image that will appear in the middle.

  2. excellent work on layouts and drafing.
