Friday 14 June 2013

Information on Make Up/Special Effects

Make Up Tutorials

In order for my make up and film trailer to look professional I have to research in to the different effects I can create. It's important that I do this for when I get on to doing the make up for my film so that I can make it look as good as possible. I started off my looking in to YouTube videos and tutorials as they show and instruct you on exactly what to do. Also it shows you what the final thing will look like.
Liquid latex is going to be a very useful tool for my film trailer as there will need to be cuts and blood to make it look professional. 

This is a tutorial in to how to make a basic cut;

This tutorial is how to make a slit in your throat using liquid latex;

I also looked in to how to make bruises using basic make up in order to make black eyes, bloody noses and general bruising;


After looking in to different tutorials I then went on to look in to make up suppliers and the prices of the products.

This is the first supplier I looked in to,it is used by professionals. On this website they have tutorials, contacts to hire professionals and there is also a shop where you can buy the products off of.
This is a price guide of possible products I may buy;

The products that I found on this website are reasonably priced, however they are American and therefore will have to be shipped in to the Uk which postage wise would cost a lot.

This website was a lot more limited and did not supply the products that I require for the making of my film trailer, however looking in to the prices of the products they are similar to the supplier before it seems that they have the average price of a make up supplier.

1 comment:

  1. proficient use of digital technology.

    proficient organisation of props and costume
