Friday 14 June 2013

Cast List

Cast List

This is the cast list for the film trailer. It is important to know at this stage who is going to play each character in order to fit the script and shot list around them. It is essential to get the right people to act the right parts in film. I want to ensure that the characters are portrayed in the right way via the actors.
It is important that when I cast for my characters I take into account narrative theories and show that I am assembling the correct common conventions in order for my audience to gain the best possible understanding of my characters. I want to achieve the broad character types in my production but at the same time I wish to pick people who can be unique and achieve the roles I wish for them to fulfill. 

Using casting/character theory helps in researching and appreciates the structure of different roles in media characters.

Goffman’s (1959) character theory can help me sum up my youth characters I plan on casting and it can help me find a -

  • The Protagonist, the leading character of my film, referring to my script ideas I believe Favian would take control as this character, I plan on making this character have the most narrative and the whole film is based around this character meaning he offers the most out of all of the characters. 
  • The Deuteragonist, the secondary character of my film, Xalvador (the wizard) would fall under this character type, as he is the only other character who has enough narrative for my audience to understand this.
  • The Bit Player, the minor character whose specific background the audience is not aware of, finally in terms of  characters in my film it would be Arabella ( Favaians love interest) as she plays a very minor part and is only seen towards the end of the trailer. 
Corey-Warrior (Favian)
Corey is going to play the protagonist in the trailer, he fits the part perfectly and has the right image of this character.
Ben-Wizard (Xalvador)
Ben is going to play the villain in the film trailer, this is a main part and is an essential character in the storyline. Again I think he will correctly portray the part of the evil wizard.
Isabella-Love Interest (Arabella)
Isabella has the right image to play the fairly small part of Arabella who is the love interest of the brother of Favian. Isabella has previous experience in the acting field which will help.
Ruben- Favians brother (Destrian)
Ruben will be perfect for this part and will play it very well.
Jacob&Jordan- Twins (Terrin and Jarin)
Being identical twins themselves they will be able to play this minor part very well.


  1. comment on what each role is and focus on your role mainly

  2. excellent organisation of cast and actors.
