Friday 14 June 2013

Research into Film Shots

This is a YouTube video that I found demonstrating the basic shot types;

In order to know what shots I should include in my own film trailer I have looked in to previous trailers to see what sort of shots they use and why they are used. This is an important process because I need to make sure that the right sort of shots are being used in my trailer to gain and maintain the audiences attention from the start and throughout. It also helps me because I can then put a shot list together on the shots I will need to get for my own film.

Establishing shots are usually used at the start of the trailer to gain the audiences attention from the start by getting their attention with the scenery. Also if the film is part of a franchise then the audience will already know what the establishing shot is of and will intrigue them to know what is now happening. I think this type of shot is essential to a fantasy film because usually the setting is an important part of the film.

Close ups and extreme close ups of important/main characters is a feature that is used quite a lot to make the audience aware of who they are and what importance they show. Also in some genre of films the characters face may have certain features that make them who they are, particularly in horror. For example in Nightmare on Elm Street the main character has markings on his face which is essential to his horrifying,scary image and this character would not be the same without it.

Fighting scenes usually have more than one angle shot. There is usually a long shot of the fight, a medium shot and a close up. The close up and medium shots are used to make it seem a lot worse than it actually is these types of shots can also be used to establish the characters in the scene itself.

When a woman is featured in a film the camera often looks down representing the woman as less important. Another feature linking to the theory of Laura Mulvey is that 'the camera lingers on the womans body' which is something I saw when doing my research. Often the camera lingers on areas of the woman to flatter her figure.

When a male is featured in a fantasy film they often opt for a low angle shot due to them being able to make the man look bigger and stronger than he is. This is something that is used quite a lot in fantasy because the usual male characters are large, strong and masculine.

After doing my initial research I looked in to YouTube clips an tutorials that would help with more advanced shots.

YouTube Clips;


  1. Make some links to media theory. Try representation theory

  2. excellent work on drafting and research into similar products.
