Friday 14 June 2013

Screen Grabs of Film Trailer Editing

Editing Process

The first thing that we had to do when we were editing our film trailer was filter through all of the footage we got from the shoot. This was time consuming as we had to go through each clip individually and make sure that they were in focus and were good enough to feature in our film trailer. After we got rid of all of the footage that we could not use it was then we had to cut down the clips that we had left and cut all of the sections that we wanted from them to then be put together in an order in final cut. The organisation process was difficult as we had to put the clips in an order that would fit together and in terms of continuity would match and the film trailer would flow. 
This was the timeline on Final Cut Pro where all of our clips were ordered and put in to a sequence. 

This was the opening scene that we have created, it was filmed on an iPhone using a specific application on the shoot as an experimental scene. However it turned out to be very effective and fit in with our fantasy genre. I went on to edit it and reversed the effect so that the whole screen was blue in the start and then it gets progressively smaller and then filters in to the opening scene. 

This part of the trailer was filmed on a Canon 6D over a period of time, we sped it up. The use of time lapses are effective and it looked very authentic in our film trailer, it goes well with the genre of fantasy and being done on Final Cut Pro it looks professional and has the effect we intended it too. 

Once again the use of a time lapse was used while editing these clips in to our film trailer, we found that it would be more effective to slow it down and have it in slow motion as it creates more drama and it the trailer is more action filled. 

A time lapse was used in this scene to make it a lot faster and we then incorporated it with the scene on the right to create drama and to make it look like there is something following the hero. This will make the audience want to go and watch the film because they will be intrigued as to what is going on. We used the editing form cross cutting when editing this scene as it creates a feel of continuity through our trailer. 

This was filmed on an iPhone using a specific application on the shoot and then edited it in to the film trailer on Final Cut Pro. After the success of the first attempt we went on to use it again and this was a scene with the lightening bolt hitting the castle where the villain would live. This is a dramatic film and was very effective for the genre of fantasy.  

This was filmed on an iPhone using a specific application on the shoot and then edited it in to the film trailer on Final Cut Pro. This was a scene where the building was taken up in a tornado  and then the whole castle fell apart. I think that this fits well with the genre of fantasy. 

This was filmed on an iPhone using a specific application on the shoot and then edited it in to the film trailer on Final Cut Pro. This was a scene where the wizard was sending a spell on to the hero and it sets on fire right next to him. I think that it goes well with the genre of fantasy. 

1 comment:

  1. proficient skills shown in editing techniques and the use of digital technology to create the product.
