Friday 14 June 2013



I created a presentation on what my budget would have to cover

As students we have not had to spend lots of money as we have the advantage of being able to borrow the equipment from the college media department as it has all of the things that we need to create our film. If we were not so lucky the equipment would have turned out to be very expensive.

iMac £1000+

Final Cut Pro £200

Canon 6D £1,500

For the trailer we will also have to use make up, props and costumes. Again we have been lucky enough to be able to borrow the main bulk of the equipment. The make up was provided by myself and the more extravagant make up such as; liquid latex, fake blood and prosthetic face adhesive was borrowed and bought by the college media department. The costumes and props were borrowed from the drama department without this we would have had to have bought all of them which would have cost a lot of money. The locations that we are filming at are free and open to the public therefore there is no extra cost for location. 

1 comment:

  1. you need to take into account all the props, costumes, make up and equipment you have used.

    proficient organisation of equipment
