Friday 14 June 2013

Masthead/Title Ideas

Film Magazine Masthead Research

The film magazine masthead would stand out on the shelf because it is very large and takes up the top quarter of the page, and therefore the way it is positioned on the page it would be seen by the target audience. The font would be very recognisable to the audience, it isn't fancy and creative it is simplistic but suits the genre of film as it is large and eye catching. Both words are emboldened capital letters, to make it stand out. It is obvious that the word 'FILM' is the most important as it is a lot bigger than 'TOTAL' as it is a film magazine it is essential that, that word is bigger to attract new audiences. Also the fact that 'total' is inside of the of the F would connnote that the magazine focuses on films and nothing else which would mean it is dedicated to the target audience who continue to purchase the brand linking to Blumer and Kats Uses and Gratifications theory. 

Empire magazine is a popular film magazine. The red of the masthead connotes danger, passion and mood disruptions which could link to the theory of Stanley Hall and his Storm and Stress Model (1904). Similar to the masthead of Total Film, the masthead is positioned at the top of the page to ensure that the audience see it when they are looking on the shop shelf. The colour red stands out against the star that is featured on the front cover. This would link to the theory of Blumer and Katz Uses and Gratifications theory as the audience will be purchasing this magazine for their own purposes. 

Own Masthead Ideas

There are lots of free websites with free font downloads in order to download and use. 
I used both 'DaFont' and 'Urban Fonts' is a free site which offers fonts similar to other magazine fonts.

Using I found  a few fonts that I liked and experimented with;

I have decided however to create my font just using Photoshop fonts. I found this was the simplest and easiest way of creating an effective font. Also it made it a lot easier to edit and adapt to the poster and magazine. I used the bevel tool on the font to make sure that it had a 3D effect to create a layered effect on both the magazine and front cover.

Title Ideas

I had to come up with a title for my film magazine, I went through a few ideas and then made a decision to go with Replay.

My first idea was PREVIEW, I thought this was a good title for a film magazine obviously with the connotation of film but also telling the audience that they were getting a first look at the latest film news. I planned to have the masthead in red as I feel with a primary target audience of males it would attract them and also the colour red stands out and would when it was on the shelf of a shop. 

My next idea was REVIEW again this had the connotation of film and fits with the genre. However I don't think that it is exciting and therefore I will not be using it as my title for the magazine. 

MY final idea was REPLAY when I wrote it down for the first time it looked right and discussing the title idea with the target audience it was the most popular one and appealed to them the most which is essentially what I am trying to do. I am going to have the masthead red and so it takes up the top third of the page to make it stand out to the audience when it is on the shelf in the shop. If there are special editions of the magazine I will then create effects on the masthead that will go directly with the theme of the issue. 

This is the final masthead idea that I went for,  it is similar to Empire and Total Film which is the two that my target audience chose as their favourites.


  1. proficient use of ICT and digital technology.

    do you have your actual designs for your masthead

  2. proficient use of target audience research. Proficient research into similar products and proficient work on drafting.
