Friday 14 June 2013

Survey Monkey (Magazine)

Results from the Survey Monkey

This Survey Monkey was conducted to help inspire me on the creation of my own film magazine.  The primary reason for my Survey Monkey is to get to know my target audience and know who I am creating my final product for.  I posted the Survey Monkey on social networks Facebook and Twitter to ensure that I got a wide range of participants.

1) How old are you?

This question has allowed me to determine the age specifics of the audience I am targeting. It is important to discover the age of the audience to make sure that front cover is age appropriate and attracts them to read it which is obviously the purpose of it. The result that I got from my Survey Monkey is ages 16-20 which makes it easier in terms of legal restrictions because of the age range, this helps me to include the latest trends and news that will be suited to the age of my audience. 

2) What common conventions should I follow in the creation of my magazine?

This question is important as it tells me what my target audience want to see when they are reading a film magazine. From this I can then take the outcome away and apply to my own magazine following the conventions that my audience want according to this survey. I can see from the results that the audience are very keen on the main image and the layout of the front cover, this is something that I will make sure I focus on when creating my own magazine. I will focus on the conventions in terms of importance according to the results of the survey, this question will really help me with the design and production of my front cover. 

What gender are you?

This question again will help me to determine who my target audience are in terms of gender, this is important as I can then focus my front cover on them. The results of this question show that the audience are primarily male, I can now make the front cover appropriate to my target audience of males, this could possibly mean a female model on the front to attract the audience. 

What masthead appeals to you the most?

This question will really help with the design of my masthead for my own magazine cover. From the results I can see that Total Film and Empire are equally as popular I can use both magazines as style models when making my own masthead for my magazine. 

What film magazine do you read the most?

This question will also help with the design of my magazine ront cover as I can see the popularity of the magazines and then take the results and use them as a style model for my own magazine. The results show that Empire is the most popular and the film magazine my target audience read the most, I will use elements of the magazine as a style model for my own magazine.

What's you social class/annual income?

This question helps me get an idea of the audience that I am targeting my magazine at. It will help me provide a product that they will be interested in because I can apply the latest trends of the social class to my front cover, also the price of the magazine can be base around the annual income and the amount of disposable income my target audience have. From the results it is clear that the audience I am aiming for is social class C2 primarily. 


  1. you need to analyse the results of the survey money and create some graphs to show what you found and how this impacted on your design.

  2. proficient research into potential target audience.
