Friday 14 June 2013

Crew List

Crew List

This is a list of the people that will be attending the film shoot. It is essential that we ensure that we have the right people to make the most out of the filming time. The cinematographers that we took both knew how to correctly use the equipment to optimise the quality of the content. It will also save time by making sure that we dont have to re-film anything by doing it right first time. Also with the make up artist with the liquid latex and the masks that have to be applied there is only one chance so we need to get it right.
Jack- Cinematographer
The role of filming and Jak is going to use the best quality camera (Canon 6D) because he is the most experienced with photography and filming. Jak will be able to get footage that is to the best quality and won't have to be re-done.
Having experience in photography Jack will be able to capture still images that can be used for the other parts of the coursework (poster and magazine front cover).
Again Dans role is to capture the footage however with less experience Dan will be using the Canon 60D which is still a very good camera just less complicated to use. Dan will be doing a lot of the footage using the camera shoulder rig.
As Dan is using the camera rig he will be able to capture action shots that can be used as part of the other tasks that we need to complete (poster and magazine front cover).
Chloe- Make Up Artist/Director
I will be doing the make up for the actors because I know the most about make up in the crew, also I have previously used liquid latex and know how to use it correctly and safely. This is essential as the mask that we are using has to be stuck to one of the actors faces and it has to be done first time.
As I am on the sidelines with make up I will also be taking up the role of director.


  1. add what role each of you had as crew- a little more detail for your role.

  2. proficient work on organisation of crew.
