Friday 14 June 2013

Equipment List

Equipment List

It's important that we use the correct equipment so that our film trailer can be of the best possible quality. I am primarily relying on borrowing a lot of the equipment.

This is a list of the equipment we will be using for our filming;


Top of the range Apple Mac to insure we have the right facitilities and programmes to make our film to the best it can be. Using the correct editing programs including; FinalCut, After Effects and PhotoShop.

Canon 6D

The Canon 6D is one of the latest in the Canon series and provides the best quality video we can get. The camera is made for filming and with a wide variety of lenses to go with the camera we can get a range of shots and for the quality of the film to remain.

Final Cut Pro

Final Cut Pro is an essential program for us to use as part of the editing process. Professionals use this program to make films so by using it well we can produce a film trailer to a professional standard. Also by using Final Cut I can develop my technical skills referring to editing.


The tripod has to be used in order to get a steady shot. Without the tripod the camera will be unstable and a clear, in focus shot will not happen. Also if we were to do a pan for the trailer it will create a smooth, stable pan. to create Professional camera work all footage must be in focus and smooth. 


Camera Rig 

The camera rig is used for a similar reason to the tripod. The rig is to allow the cinematographer to move with the camera and to keep it still in order for the quality to remain the same.

Liquid Latex

Liquid latex is used to create scars, wounds and other different make up effects. Without the use of liquid latex it would be impossible to create believable, real effects.

Make Up

The make up again is used to aid the latex and create bruising and such to enforce the outcomes of any fight scenes.

Fake Blood

Once again fake blood goes with the make up effects and helps to make it look real and believable. It is important to use good quality fake blood so it looks even more realistic. 

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