Friday 14 June 2013


I have constructed a story board to make it easier to arrange the shot list and also so that it is very clear what the story is and what footage we need to maintain. My ideas may change s the process goes on due to different things that may occur and cause the story to change slightly.

After previous audience research has been constructed (focus groups, survey monkey) I feel as if the shots I have used will appeal to the audience. Also with the research in to film shots I know what is included in fantasy films. The female character is the love interest of one of the male characters in our film, this would link to Laura Mulveys theory 'women are an object of erotic desire' and 'the camera lingers on the female body' .
The shots of the male characters are to make them look as big and strong as possible because that is how we want them to be represented in the trailer. So by low angle shots it is looking up to the protagonist this is often used in films to make them look bigger. Another reason for this is that the predominant audience is boys and they will look up to the protagonist as role model.

The use of date of release, production logo and the names of the main actors is something that is used in film trailers always to essentially use iconography with the names and attract the audience. Because our film is aimed at a younger audience parents will be taking them to see it therefore it has to appeal to them and if the name of the actors appear and they like them then they will be more inlcined to take their children to see it.


  1. Comment on how this will appeal to the audience and what representations will be created. Add in some media theory-representation theory and audience theory.

    Proficient work on storyboarding

  2. proficient to excellent work on drafting and storyboarding considering ideas from audience research.
