Friday 14 June 2013

Locations List

Locations List

I have produced a list of the different locations I will use to shoot our film. The locations I have chosen are due to how they fit in to the genre of fantasy. Also referring back to my audience research an interesting setting is something that the audience rate highly on the things that are most important to them in a film.
The photographs I have taken for the magazine and poster were shot at the same location that the film was shot.

Roche Rock

I will be using Roche Rock to shoot the majority of the film trailer. It will be the setting for the fight between the wizard and warrior. Also the establishing for my film trailer. I think that Roche Rock is a very good setting for a fantasy film to create authentic mise-en-scene for my film. It provides the perfect scenery to shoot my film.

Wheel Coates

Again this location would provide the escapism of a fantasy film which according to my audience research it is what they will want. The setting is beautiful and it fits completely with the fantasy genre. This is essential to make the film realistic and believable. 


  1. describe the location and use the images that are on the nas server for the plans

  2. proficient organisation of locations.
