Friday 14 June 2013

Research into Editing

Research in to Editing

Editing my film trailer in the right way is an essential part of the process with making the movie trailer. My film trailer being part of the fantasy genre I am going to make the film trailer fast paced with small clips of dramatic action shots to give the audience a clear idea in to what the film is going to be like. It is also important to give quick glimpses in to the main stars of the film.

Different Forms of Editing
Continuity Editing is used to ensure that the audience don't notice any cuts that have been made and to make sure that the clip makes sense. It is a sequence of shots put together that link with eachother.
Transition Editing is where one shot moves to another. There are various different types of transition one is a straight cut where the clip changes from one to another without it changing visually. Another one would be fade out where the shot fades out in to another shot, also fade in which is the opposite to fade out.
Wipe Editing is where one shot is replaced by another without dissolving and it completely eliminates the other shot.
Dissolve Editing is where one shot dissolves in to another with a smooth transition.
Action Editing is used to make the trailer more action packed to appeal to the audience .
Jump Cut Editing is when two sequential shots are taken of the same subject but the camera angles change slightly.

I have also found a YouTube video that has different film-making techniques which is useful ;

This has inspired me to experiment with other effects in my film trailer rather than using just normal shots that I have previously researched. The video demonstrates a variety of different techniques like camera angles, camera movement and editing effects along with others. This video is reliable with the amount of views that the video has and the positive feedback from other media students who are in a similar position to me.
The video has taught me the importance of lighting as it sets the tone and mood of the film. This would be useful in the scenes of high tension for example in my film when the wizard and the warrior are fighting, I can use light to demonstrate the mood of the fight.
Something that caught my interest and thought would be relevant to my own film trailer was the colourizing effect as I thought I could use this when the warrior is in the wizards castle, to represent the magic element.
I also liked the fastforward editing that is featured in the video, I am going to use this to represent a long amount of time when the warrior is on his quest in the trailer.

Forms of editing for my film

For my film I will be using various different forms of editing to create a fast paced action filled trailer.
I will be using;



Action Editing

Jump Cuts


Straight Cuts


  1. include which editing forms you will use and think are most appropriate for your genre.

    proficient research in to similar products.

  2. Proficient evidence of using ICT.
