Friday 14 June 2013

Style/Genre of the Area I Want to Work In


After looking in to the genre of horror I would really like to produce a film trailer in the similar style to Dracula with the modern interpretation of Twilight. The vampire theme is something I wanted to do for my film trailer.

I looked and made comparisons and differences between Dracula and Twilight, both films are vampire themed and I think it is important to look at the modern interpretations.

At the time Dracula was released the Hypodermic Theory needle was announced, the theory being the effect the mass media has on a mass audience. Because it was a new theory and a lot of people took notice of what they had to say people then took that to heart and were concerned that if they watched the film that they may then be directly effected by it.

The audience demorgraphics I would be looking at referring to Twilight would be 12-25 and mainly females. This audience comes from the fact that the film developed from a teen fiction book. The audience being mainly females would be down to it being a love story in many senses and a lot of girls between these ages would be attracted to that theme. Another factor that would appeal to teen girls would be attracted to the male lead.


  1. Shows proficient skill in digital technology and ICT.

    Can you add some theory about representation that would appear in this area and also the audience demographics you would be looking at.

  2. excellent research in similar products and potential audiences
