Friday 14 June 2013

Survey Monkey (Poster)

Results from Survey Monkey

This Survey Monkey was conducted to help inspire me on the creation of my own film poster. The images above are examples of film posers and I have asked the participants to choose their favourite, this is so I can follow the conventions. The primary reason for my Survey Monkey is to get to know my target audience and know who I am creating my final product for.  I posted the Survey Monkey on social networks Facebook and Twitter to ensure that I got a wide range of participants. 

1) What is your gender?

This question was to help me with determining who my audience are to make sure I am doing everything to appeal to them specifically. This was important to narrow the audience down in terms of gender to ensure that I can research in to the latest fashion and trends within the gender. The results show that the audience will be males and this is the gap in the market, which is unsurprising in the genre of fantasy as it is stereo typically a masculine genre. 

2) What is your age?

This question allows me to get to know my target audience in terms of age, this is important to ensure that I conduct my research in to the trends and fashions that will interest the age group in particular. The audience results have come out as ages 16-20 meaning that in terms of legal constraints I will have to ensure that they are correct, but there should be no restrictions with this age group. Either a 15 or an 18 certificate will appeal to my target audience. 

3) What is your social class/annual income?

This question helps me to get to know the lifestyle of the audience that I am targeting, it assists me in knowing the ideologies and interests typically of the social class. The results from my Survey Monkey show that my audience are social grade C2 this helps me as I know who I have to target when making my film poster.

 4) What film poster do you like the most?

This question was to help me with the style I need to create when making my film poster, it gives me a style model and something to base my own on that will satisfy my audience. The film poster that my audience liked the most was The Hobbit, I can now follow the same conventions of that poster and create my own knowing that my target audience will be attracted to the layout and style.  

5) What attracts you to a film poster the most?

This question of my Survey Monkey helps me to understand the common conventions of  a film poster that my target audience would want to see. From this it is quite clear that the convention that attracts the audience the most is the main image, this is something that I will focus on when creating my own film poster. I am going to put them in order of importance based on the the results of this question. 


  1. you need to analyse your results and create graphs for this.

  2. Excellent research into potential target audience.
