Friday 14 June 2013

Flat Plans

I have constructed three designs for my magazine front cover. This will make it easier when I go to create my front cover on Photoshop.

I constructed this design based on the research I have done on the common conventions on film magazines. This design will have the tagline at the top of the page which I think is one of the most important features. The audience that I am aiming for is adults because the target audience for my film trailer would be children and they wouldn't  be interested in the magazine but the adults taking them to see the film will be. The way that the magazines are organised on the shelf in the shops the masthead is what is shown, so it is essential to focus my attention on that. 
I have tried to conduct a curved in headline on the design as I think it gives the front cover a more three dimensional feel. The other features are smaller and again this is something I saw when I was conducting my research in to the common conventions. I tried to think of a different way to present the extra things that are included in the magazine.

This is a more basic design and I have chosen not to include the tag line at the top of the magazine front over as it is not an essential part to the magazine.
I have ordered the extra stories that are included in the magazine on one side of the front cover, I chose to position it to the left as this is known as the 'sweet spot', where the eye is drawn to when you first look at the cover.
Once again the audience is adults and they will be interested in what is included in the magazine. If they were not interested in the main story then there needs to be other things that will make the audience want to read it.

This is my third design and this is not one I am going to use as I think this one would appeal to the audience the least.
There are three squares on the right where I will have images of the features that would be included in the magazine.
The main headline is central on the front cover this is something that I saw when doing my research in to conventions.

When I constructed my flat plans I wasn't certain on the title of my magazine. However I have now decided on Replay. This will be positioned at the top of the magazine front cover and take up almost a third of the page which is a convention that I found when doing my research.

The main headline of my magazine is Legacy which is a fantasy film and will appeal to my target audience, however there will bother aspects in the magazine publication that other parts of my target audience will be attracted too. The audience who are attracted to the fantasy genre may only buy this one special edition of the magazine. There are interviews with well known actors/actresses along with reviews of other films in the magazine. 


  1. remember to add the masthead for the magazine, look at film magazine covers

  2. Comment on how you think this will appeal to the audience and how it advertises the film.

  3. proficient work on drafting and layout ideas.
