Friday 14 June 2013

Originals Images

Original Images

This is a good photograph with the subject in focus and the background blurred gives it a professional feel. I may use this image as it fits the conventions of a magazine/poster image being a close up shot of one of the main actors. The target audience being adults will get a feel of the genre with the mise-en-scene of the wizard costume and the make up on the models face.

This is a really good quality photograph with the setting and model included it looks like a fantasy photo. However because it is an extreme long shot of the actor it would be less appropriate to be an image for a front cover of a magazine. 

This photo is an over the shoulder shot and would not be able to be used due to the fact the model has his back to the camera. The background of the image suits the genre as it is establishing the scene and is relevant to the fantasy genre. 

This image is  inappropriate, the background of this is of a town with modern houses. This does not fit in with the genre I am going for. It is a long shot of one of the actors and he is also looking away from the camera which means it could not be used. 

This photograph is point of view shot and of the scenery and the location the film is based. This would not be able to be featured on the front cover of the magazine or on a film poster, as it does not fit in with the conventions of having a main star featured. 

Again this is a point of view shot of the scenery and the setting of the film. The photograph would not fit with conventions of  film magazine or a film poster image. Also the photograph is slightly out of focus which means it definitely will not be featured in any of the magazine. 

This image is a long shot of the two actors mid production of  a fight scene, it would not be appropriate for the front cover of the magazine and would be something that would be seen in an article about the film inside a magazine. Not  to be used on the front cover or on a poster. It would be more suited to be inside a magazine as part of an article.


  1. which did you choose and why, add this to one of the images, link to audience and conventions.

  2. proficient work on organising location and actors for final piece
