Friday 14 June 2013

Screen Grabs of Editing Process

This is the process of making my magazine front cover on Photoshop.

The first step was the making of the masthead. The masthead colour I decided to choose was red as it goes with the theme of my front cover and the colour scheme. Also looking at magazines on the shelves with only the masthead showing it is obvious that red stands out the most. The masthead takes up the majority of the top half of the front cover like most magazine mastheads. I have created a layered front cover my putting the masthead over the top of the image.

I then went on to write the tag line for this issue of the magazine. I chose to write 'the fantasy event of the year' I felt this promoted the film and would make the audience want to read about it and therefore buy the magazine and go and see the film. I used the same colour text for this as the masthead so they link together. However the text is a lot smaller than the masthead so the focus is still on the magazine masthead.

 I then went on to add the features of the magazine that will be included inside. Looking back at the research it is the older audiences that will be buying the magazine and reading it rather than the target audience for the movie trailer itself. I chose to have a feature on the different films that will be released in 2014 as this is something that the audience will want to read to see if there is anything that they want to go and see. I also did another feature on what the highlights were of 2013 again something the audience will be interested in.

This was when I finalised the front cover by adding the bar code and main headline. The headline being the title of the film and then the name of the main character. This is something I found out in my previous research that often the title of a new film is what magazines use as the headline. I used the same font as I am going to use on my film poster to continue the theme in both tasks.

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