Friday 14 June 2013

Screen Shots of Editing Process

This is the process I went through on Photoshop in order to make my film poster.

 The first step of the editing process of my film poster was to ensure that I made adjustments to the image that I was using. I adjusted the exposure slightly in order to make the photograph lighter.
I then went on to adding the text, I started with the film title 'Legacy' this is the largest text on the poster because it is essentially the most important. Referring back to the common conventions of others it is always the largest font. Also looking back at my audience research the audience for the poster is adults (parents/guardians) to do with the children going to see  the film and with them seeing the poster on the way to work maybe the film title needs to be the biggest for them to see. Film posters are usually posted on the back of buses or in train stations where you will only see a glimpse of them.
I also added the tag line, the tag line being 'where others have failed they will not' I chose this tag line as I think it sums up the film and would entice the audience to go and see it.

The next step was to add the names of the main actors in the film. Once again I referred back to my research on the conventions of a film poster and how the names are usually positioned at the top or the bottom of the poster. I chose to place mine at the top of the poster as I think it looked best there. Getting the layout it crucial because if the poster is not aesthetically pleasing the audience will not even look at it.

 The final step was to add the date it was going in to the cinema. I think that using a different colour font for the date was essential to make it really stand out from the rest of the text. It is important to include this on the poster to ensure the audience know when they can go and see it.


Final Film Poster

Originals Images

Original Images

This is a good photograph with the subject in focus and the background blurred gives it a professional feel. I may use this image as it fits the conventions of a magazine/poster image being a close up shot of one of the main actors. The target audience being adults will get a feel of the genre with the mise-en-scene of the wizard costume and the make up on the models face.

This is a really good quality photograph with the setting and model included it looks like a fantasy photo. However because it is an extreme long shot of the actor it would be less appropriate to be an image for a front cover of a magazine. 

This photo is an over the shoulder shot and would not be able to be used due to the fact the model has his back to the camera. The background of the image suits the genre as it is establishing the scene and is relevant to the fantasy genre. 

This image is  inappropriate, the background of this is of a town with modern houses. This does not fit in with the genre I am going for. It is a long shot of one of the actors and he is also looking away from the camera which means it could not be used. 

This photograph is point of view shot and of the scenery and the location the film is based. This would not be able to be featured on the front cover of the magazine or on a film poster, as it does not fit in with the conventions of having a main star featured. 

Again this is a point of view shot of the scenery and the setting of the film. The photograph would not fit with conventions of  film magazine or a film poster image. Also the photograph is slightly out of focus which means it definitely will not be featured in any of the magazine. 

This image is a long shot of the two actors mid production of  a fight scene, it would not be appropriate for the front cover of the magazine and would be something that would be seen in an article about the film inside a magazine. Not  to be used on the front cover or on a poster. It would be more suited to be inside a magazine as part of an article.

Locations List

Locations List

I have produced a list of the different locations I will use to shoot our film. The locations I have chosen are due to how they fit in to the genre of fantasy. Also referring back to my audience research an interesting setting is something that the audience rate highly on the things that are most important to them in a film.
The photographs I have taken for the magazine and poster were shot at the same location that the film was shot.

Roche Rock

I will be using Roche Rock to shoot the majority of the film trailer. It will be the setting for the fight between the wizard and warrior. Also the establishing for my film trailer. I think that Roche Rock is a very good setting for a fantasy film to create authentic mise-en-scene for my film. It provides the perfect scenery to shoot my film.

Wheel Coates

Again this location would provide the escapism of a fantasy film which according to my audience research it is what they will want. The setting is beautiful and it fits completely with the fantasy genre. This is essential to make the film realistic and believable. 

Equipment List

Equipment List

It's important that we use the correct equipment so that our film trailer can be of the best possible quality. I am primarily relying on borrowing a lot of the equipment.

This is a list of the equipment we will be using for our filming;


Top of the range Apple Mac to insure we have the right facitilities and programmes to make our film to the best it can be. Using the correct editing programs including; FinalCut, After Effects and PhotoShop.

Canon 6D

The Canon 6D is one of the latest in the Canon series and provides the best quality video we can get. The camera is made for filming and with a wide variety of lenses to go with the camera we can get a range of shots and for the quality of the film to remain.

Final Cut Pro

Final Cut Pro is an essential program for us to use as part of the editing process. Professionals use this program to make films so by using it well we can produce a film trailer to a professional standard. Also by using Final Cut I can develop my technical skills referring to editing.



The tripod has to be used in order to get a steady shot. Without the tripod the camera will be unstable and a clear, in focus shot will not happen. Also if we were to do a pan for the trailer it will create a smooth, stable pan. to create Professional camera work all footage must be in focus and smooth. 

Camera Rig 

The camera rig is used for a similar reason to the tripod. The rig is to allow the cinematographer to move with the camera and to keep it still in order for the quality to remain the same.

Liquid Latex

Liquid latex is used to create scars, wounds and other different make up effects. Without the use of liquid latex it would be impossible to create believable, real effects.

Make Up

The make up again is used to aid the latex and create bruising and such to enforce the outcomes of any fight scenes.

Fake Blood

Once again fake blood goes with the make up effects and helps to make it look real and believable. It is important to use good quality fake blood so it looks even more realistic. 

Crew List

Crew List

This is a list of the people that will be attending the film shoot. It is essential that we ensure that we have the right people to make the most out of the filming time. The cinematographers that we took both knew how to correctly use the equipment to optimise the quality of the content. It will also save time by making sure that we dont have to re-film anything by doing it right first time. Also with the make up artist with the liquid latex and the masks that have to be applied there is only one chance so we need to get it right.
Jack- Cinematographer
The role of filming and Jak is going to use the best quality camera (Canon 6D) because he is the most experienced with photography and filming. Jak will be able to get footage that is to the best quality and won't have to be re-done.
Having experience in photography Jack will be able to capture still images that can be used for the other parts of the coursework (poster and magazine front cover).
Again Dans role is to capture the footage however with less experience Dan will be using the Canon 60D which is still a very good camera just less complicated to use. Dan will be doing a lot of the footage using the camera shoulder rig.
As Dan is using the camera rig he will be able to capture action shots that can be used as part of the other tasks that we need to complete (poster and magazine front cover).
Chloe- Make Up Artist/Director
I will be doing the make up for the actors because I know the most about make up in the crew, also I have previously used liquid latex and know how to use it correctly and safely. This is essential as the mask that we are using has to be stuck to one of the actors faces and it has to be done first time.
As I am on the sidelines with make up I will also be taking up the role of director.

Cast List

Cast List

 This is the cast list for the film trailer. It is important to know at this stage who is going to play each character in order to fit the script and shot list around them. It is essential to get the right people to act the right parts in film. I want to ensure that the characters are portrayed in the right way via the actors.
Corey-Warrior (Favian)
Corey is going to play the protagonist in the trailer, he fits the part perfectly and has the right image of this character.
Ben-Wizard (Xalvador)
Ben is going to play the villain in the film trailer, this is a main part and is an essential character in the storyline. Again I think he will correctly portray the part of the evil wizard.
Isabella-Love Interest (Arabella)
Isabella has the right image to play the fairly small part of Arabella who is the love interest of the brother of Favian. Isabella has previous experience in the acting field which will help.
Ruben- Favians brother (Destrian)
Ruben will be perfect for this part and will play it very well.
Jacob&Jordan- Twins (Terrin and Jarin)
Being identical twins themselves they will be able to play this minor part very well.

Flat Plans

I constructed three flat plans for my film poster to get some ideas together on how I want my real one to look. I will change the designs when I make it but it is really helpful to have plans to make it easier to construct the layout. 

I constructed this design baring in mind the conventions of film posters that I researched previously. The large film title is essential because the audience that I am aiming at are adults and they will be seeing the poster on the back of buses or in train stations as they are passing. The title needs to be the largest part of the poster layered on top of an image.
I will be using an image of one of the main characters in the film as again this is one of the main conventions of a poster.
The star rating is an extra that is only occasionally used on posters and therefore I thought I could maybe include it on mine.
The actors names will be featured just above the image and the release date at the bottom.

This design is a bit more basic but includes similar features to the previous one. I have changed the layout on this design to make it more attractive.
By placing the names of the actors at the top of the poster it is more organised and therefore more attractive to the audience.
The title of the film is more central  at the bottom of the page and considering the audience will be walking/driving past it needs to be the main thing on the page.
Again I will be having the main actor as the image on the poster.
The difference on this design is I have left space at the very bottom of the poster to include the production and distribution details. This is something that is often featured but not always and from my research I wouldn't say it was an essential feature.

This is the most 'busy' design I constructed. There is more focus on the mini reviews from magazines. I don't think this is something I need to necessarily include but it may be a good feature. The audience that I am aiming for is adults and where he adverts will be placed the reviews won't be visible.
The actors names remain at the top of the poster this is something that I will stick with for my poster that I make.
The film title is a lot smaller than the previous two designs however I will definitely stick with the big font because it is the most important part of the poster as the point in it is to promote the film.

For my final design I will take aspects from all three posters to create my actual film poster.

Survey Monkey (Poster)

Results from Survey Monkey

This Survey Monkey was conducted to help inspire me on the creation of my own film poster. The images above are examples of film posers and I have asked the participants to choose their favourite, this is so I can follow the conventions. The primary reason for my Survey Monkey is to get to know my target audience and know who I am creating my final product for.  I posted the Survey Monkey on social networks Facebook and Twitter to ensure that I got a wide range of participants. 

1) What is your gender?

This question was to help me with determining who my audience are to make sure I am doing everything to appeal to them specifically. This was important to narrow the audience down in terms of gender to ensure that I can research in to the latest fashion and trends within the gender. The results show that the audience will be males and this is the gap in the market, which is unsurprising in the genre of fantasy as it is stereo typically a masculine genre. 

2) What is your age?

This question allows me to get to know my target audience in terms of age, this is important to ensure that I conduct my research in to the trends and fashions that will interest the age group in particular. The audience results have come out as ages 16-20 meaning that in terms of legal constraints I will have to ensure that they are correct, but there should be no restrictions with this age group. Either a 15 or an 18 certificate will appeal to my target audience. 

3) What is your social class/annual income?

This question helps me to get to know the lifestyle of the audience that I am targeting, it assists me in knowing the ideologies and interests typically of the social class. The results from my Survey Monkey show that my audience are social grade C2 this helps me as I know who I have to target when making my film poster.

 4) What film poster do you like the most?

This question was to help me with the style I need to create when making my film poster, it gives me a style model and something to base my own on that will satisfy my audience. The film poster that my audience liked the most was The Hobbit, I can now follow the same conventions of that poster and create my own knowing that my target audience will be attracted to the layout and style.  

5) What attracts you to a film poster the most?

This question of my Survey Monkey helps me to understand the common conventions of  a film poster that my target audience would want to see. From this it is quite clear that the convention that attracts the audience the most is the main image, this is something that I will focus on when creating my own film poster. I am going to put them in order of importance based on the the results of this question. 

Analysis of Film Posters

In order for me to make my own film poster it is important to look at the common conventions of film posters, as I am doing a horror genre movie I am going to analyse posters from the same genre. It is important that I have a good understanding of the conventions to ensure that I have can make my product look as professional as possible. Following what Bentley said (1997) "Remaking of the old by re-arranging of the new"
This would appeal to the target audience of the sci-fi, fantasy genre, the target audience being children with the film having PG certificate. The secondary audience will be the parents of the children these will be the main people who will see the poster as they are usually on the back of buses, in bus stops and train stations. The attractive woman will appeal to male audience, the males that are taking their children, brother/sister or family member to the cinema. Also the big strong male will appeal to the female audience, it will also attract the younger male audience because they will want to be like him.
This poster demonstrates Holmes and Halls (1998) theory 'any media text is meant for a particular audience.' The male and the female are connoting romance and love which would attract females to see the film. The props of weapons and the mise-en-scene of the poster is what would attract the male audience because men are usually associated with fighting and violence.
The images have been layered in order to create a 3D feel to it which is a really good feature and I would like to use this. The main image is very clear and at the front of the poster so it is obvious that this is the most important thing to look at as they are the main characters. The use of iconography has been used with the two main stars at the front of the image, this will promote the film and make people want to go and see it if their favourite actors/actresses are in. The image would create emotions of excitement and anticipation because of all that's happening in the image. The image in the background is faded to emphasise the image at the front. You can tell it is a fantasy film from all the mis-en-scene of the image including the swords, mallets and costumes. Another feature is that the villain of the film is at the top of the poster looking down on the protagonist. The colour palette of the poster is blues and yellows which suggests the sci-fi genre even though it is also a fantasy genre. 
The photo is a medium long shot at a low angle looking up at the two characters. The female is lower down than the male and is holding on to him looking for protection whereas the male is having no contact with her and is showing no emotion on his face.  This would link to Laura Mulveys theory of the women are looked as an 'object of erotic desire',  the man is not looking at her or paying her any attention therefore she is just an accessory to him but the male audience will be looking at her in a desirable way.
The editing of the image is done to make sure that the protagonists are at the front of the image and the rest of the image is at the back making them less important. The opacity has been changed and edited in Photoshop to make the image more transparent, this has been done so a lot of the images can be merged together so the poster is a lot more action filled and will make the audience want to go and see the film. I will use Photoshop when I create my own poster as I feel this is a good feature to make the poster more exciting. 
The common conventions that is on all film posters is the name of the film, the main stars of the film, the release date and the distribution/production company. The name of the film is usually a lot bigger than the rest of the font because that is what you want the audience to see the most, it is also in a different style font to the rest. The main stars names are positioned at the top of the poster and are less important because of the visuals to support it, people usually recognise actors rather than know their name. The release date is mixed with the distribution and production information at the bottom of the page. 

This poster has the colour pallete of blue, black, red, green. The background being dark is what makes the characters stand out from the rest of the image. The dark colours connote power, strength and mystery. The red on the costumes connote passion and danger. Another connotation of the dark colours is the sci-fi genre. The colours are important to the composition of a movie poster because the colours create the tone and mood of a film.
The film certificate for the film is 12a meaning that people under 12 can go and see it with an adult with them. This means that the poster must also appeal to both the parents and the younger audience. 
The Avengers is part of the Marvel franchise which is very popular among the younger audiences particularly boys between the ages of 8 and 12. There are lots of toys and other merchandise to go with the film which is associated with the younger audiences. There is also the older audiences that have grown up reading the Marvel comics that will be interested in going to see the film.
This film poster links to the theory of Hatz and Holmes (1998) ' that any media text is made for a particular audience' the connotations of the image suggest power, action and excitement. Which would link to a male audience because stereotypically males are interested in those types of things. The males used on the poster are attractive which potentially could attract the female audience.
The editing on the poster has been done to create a certain effect. The 3D effect suggests the villians and the good characters in the film. The mise-en-scene of the image has been edited to create emotions of excitement and anticipation in to the audience. I will use photoshop in order to create similar effects for my own film poster. The use of iconography is used to attract people that would be interested in the different celebrities and stars that are featured in the movie. The 'bad guy' is positioned at the top of the image  looking down at the good characters that are lower down the poster. This method of editing is to position the protagonists in the fore front of the poster to make sure that they are more important than the villians at the top. The image is a medium-long shot at a low angle looking up to the cast of Avengers this is done in order to be able to have a clear view of all the characters.
The common conventions I have found are that film posters all have the name (of the film), distribution information, main actors and release dates. These are all essential pieces of information to include on a film poster so that the audience know what  they need to know. I will ensure that i include these things on my poster. The font that is used is usually a custom font made for the film itself, for example the font that is used for the Avengers poster is unique to Marvel and it is quite recognisable to the audience.

Common Conventions of  a Film Poster

Where would they be seen? 

  • Cinema Foyer

  • Back of buses/bus stations (Often in big cities e.g. London)

  •  Train Stations

  • Billboards 

What are the common conventions of a film poster?

  • Main Image- Star actors/actresses use of iconography

  • Names of actors, actresses, directors, production companies

  • Often a star rating from an iconic magazine/newspaper

  • Release date

Screen Grabs of Editing Process

This is the process of making my magazine front cover on Photoshop.

The first step was the making of the masthead. The masthead colour I decided to choose was red as it goes with the theme of my front cover and the colour scheme. Also looking at magazines on the shelves with only the masthead showing it is obvious that red stands out the most. The masthead takes up the majority of the top half of the front cover like most magazine mastheads. I have created a layered front cover my putting the masthead over the top of the image.

I then went on to write the tag line for this issue of the magazine. I chose to write 'the fantasy event of the year' I felt this promoted the film and would make the audience want to read about it and therefore buy the magazine and go and see the film. I used the same colour text for this as the masthead so they link together. However the text is a lot smaller than the masthead so the focus is still on the magazine masthead.

 I then went on to add the features of the magazine that will be included inside. Looking back at the research it is the older audiences that will be buying the magazine and reading it rather than the target audience for the movie trailer itself. I chose to have a feature on the different films that will be released in 2014 as this is something that the audience will want to read to see if there is anything that they want to go and see. I also did another feature on what the highlights were of 2013 again something the audience will be interested in.

This was when I finalised the front cover by adding the bar code and main headline. The headline being the title of the film and then the name of the main character. This is something I found out in my previous research that often the title of a new film is what magazines use as the headline. I used the same font as I am going to use on my film poster to continue the theme in both tasks.

Journal (Film Magazine Cover)


The creation of my film magazine front cover was done on Photoshop, it went well after having the experience using the programme with my AS coursework I knew what I was doing. I did not have to do a specific photo shoot for my magazine front cover, however now looking back I think that it would have been a good idea to get a range of images that were done in a studio rather than on the film trailer shoot itself. The image that I used was still very good quality and was shot on the Canon 6D camera, the photograph has a professional feel and I think it complies with the conventions of a film magazine front cover. I followed other conventions of a film magazine for my own product, I referred back to my audience research when I was creating it to make sure that I was constantly appealing to them specifically. Overall I am pleased with the results of my film magazine front cover and I think it has a professional feel to it. 

Magazine Front Cover

Original Images

Original Images

This is a good photograph with the subject in focus and the background blurred gives it a professional feel. I may use this image as it fits the conventions of a magazine/poster image being a close up shot of one of the main actors. The target audience being adults will get a feel of the genre with the mise-en-scene of the wizard costume and the make up on the models face.

This is a really good quality photograph with the setting and model included it looks like a fantasy photo. However because it is an extreme long shot of the actor it would be less appropriate to be an image for a front cover of a magazine. 

This photo is an over the shoulder shot and would not be able to be used due to the fact the model has his back to the camera. The background of the image suits the genre as it is establishing the scene and is relevant to the fantasy genre. 

This image is  inappropriate, the background of this is of a town with modern houses. This does not fit in with the genre I am going for. It is a long shot of one of the actors and he is also looking away from the camera which means it could not be used. 

This photograph is point of view shot and of the scenery and the location the film is based. This would not be able to be featured on the front cover of the magazine or on a film poster, as it does not fit in with the conventions of having a main star featured. 

Again this is a point of view shot of the scenery and the setting of the film. The photograph would not fit with conventions of  film magazine or a film poster image. Also the photograph is slightly out of focus which means it definitely will not be featured in any of the magazine. 

This image is a long shot of the two actors mid production of  a fight scene, it would not be appropriate for the front cover of the magazine and would be something that would be seen in an article about the film inside a magazine.