Friday 10 May 2013

Masthead Design

This was the first design I came up with was this I like this design as I think that it represents my audience the best, it has an edgy feel to it but its meets the indie genre of the magazine. I don't like the colour as I think that it will clash with the main imagery and other features of the front cover.

Again I changed the first design slightly  by changing the colour, this colour would not be appropriate for the magazine again because it would not look right with the rest of the front cover.

This was my third design and I like black more because it is much simpler and would look good with other colours on the front cover. I think the style however is to feminine and therefore wouldn't appeal to the male and female audience. 

 This was my final design choice, I used the original style that I made at the start and then changed it to black so its simple and would look good with everything. I think this would also represent my audience because the indie genre fashion is colourful and therefore the model on the front would be colourful rather than the masthead. It is very individual and has an edgy feel which would be a good trademark for the magazine.

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