Friday 3 May 2013

Double-Page Spread Construction

 I had to choose an image that would look right with the rest of the page, I decided to have an image that would take up one half of the page because I think it looks good with one half writing and one half image.
 I added the title and main headline of the article to the top and in an appropriate font. I think the title looks good and looks good with the rest of the page.
I have added the text in 2 columns at the bottom half of the page, I think that the writing looks good in the position it is and with the first letter larger than the rest of the font makes it look professional.
I have added an information box with an insight to the article and the name of the tour, band and editor/writer. This is what I discovered when looking at existing spreads that they often change the colour of important names. I think this makes it look professional.

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