Friday 10 May 2013

Contents Page Construction

 I started off by putting my masthead at the top of the page, because its a trademark and it must be included on every page.
 I used this image on my contents page to indicate what the main feature article of the magazine will be. I chose to use the same image as on the front cover as I think its a good image to use and also the it reminds the reader of the icon in the article.
 I added a quote to the bottom of my image to back up the story that the model is involved in. I used swearing as it would maybe entice the audience in to reading the article.
 I made a column of feature articles to make sure that the audience know the main articles in the magazine. The feature articles are the most important  articles in the magazine.
 I added images to back up the feature articles to make sure that it gives the readers images to look at to support what they are reading.

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