Friday 10 May 2013


Contents Page

Double Page Spread

Front Cover

Contents Page Construction

 I started off by putting my masthead at the top of the page, because its a trademark and it must be included on every page.
 I used this image on my contents page to indicate what the main feature article of the magazine will be. I chose to use the same image as on the front cover as I think its a good image to use and also the it reminds the reader of the icon in the article.
 I added a quote to the bottom of my image to back up the story that the model is involved in. I used swearing as it would maybe entice the audience in to reading the article.
 I made a column of feature articles to make sure that the audience know the main articles in the magazine. The feature articles are the most important  articles in the magazine.
 I added images to back up the feature articles to make sure that it gives the readers images to look at to support what they are reading.

Front Cover Construction

The first thing I did when making my front cover was choose the main image I was going to use which is a medium shot of a male looking directly at the camera connecting with the audience. I also added my masthead in the top left hand corner of the magazine.
The second step was adding teasers and a menu bar of which again is down the left hand side of the magazine which is again on the left of the magazine which is in the 'sweet spot'. At this point I added bands and artists that would interest the audience.
I added new edition at the top near the top of the magazine to indicate that its a new magazine so people might try it out.
I added at the bottom of the image the name of the new band I have created and the teaser line from the inside article which would make the audience want to actually buy the magazine.

Masthead Design

This was the first design I came up with was this I like this design as I think that it represents my audience the best, it has an edgy feel to it but its meets the indie genre of the magazine. I don't like the colour as I think that it will clash with the main imagery and other features of the front cover.

Again I changed the first design slightly  by changing the colour, this colour would not be appropriate for the magazine again because it would not look right with the rest of the front cover.

This was my third design and I like black more because it is much simpler and would look good with other colours on the front cover. I think the style however is to feminine and therefore wouldn't appeal to the male and female audience. 

 This was my final design choice, I used the original style that I made at the start and then changed it to black so its simple and would look good with everything. I think this would also represent my audience because the indie genre fashion is colourful and therefore the model on the front would be colourful rather than the masthead. It is very individual and has an edgy feel which would be a good trademark for the magazine.

Planning for my photoshoot

Equipment List

Canon 600-D 
I used this camera as it is very good quality and it made my image turn out very well. I also found it the easiest to use and thought it would be the best camera to use to make sure my photo was to a professional standard.


For my photo shoot I used a male model as I think that this would be the most appropriate, because the female audience will be attracted to him and the male audience would aspire to be like him. This also would represent the social group of indie/alternative as he is smiling connoting happy and friendly this supports Dick Hebridges 1977 theory of 'Youth as fun'. I also made him where bright colours which would link to the social group of indie as the indie fashion is about bright and colourful clothing.

Friday 3 May 2013

Analysis of Photographs

 I really like this photo and this is why I am going to use it for my front cover. I like the way that the model is looking directly at the audience because it will automatically strike a relationship between the producer and receiver. I like the lighting also because it is makes the model look fresh and the colours are very vibrant making it a good quality photo.
 The reason I didn't use this photo is because I don't think that the model looks happy and I wanted to give the magazine a fresh feel and to represent 'youth as fun' Dick Hedbridges 1977 theory. The lighting is too dark in this photo and I don't think it does it justice. Also the background isn't great because I needed it to be plain.

 I caught the model off guard here and he has his eyes clothes and is pulling a face, for obvious reason I wouldn't use this photo. Mainly because the model does not have direct eye contact with the audience.
I actually like this photo because I think it brings out a funny, happy feel however the shadows make the photo unusable.

This is the photo that I am going to use for my double page spread, it is a similar style to other images I have seen on existing double pages. I like the photo because its simple and the model is looking directly at the audience.

Double-Page Spread Construction

 I had to choose an image that would look right with the rest of the page, I decided to have an image that would take up one half of the page because I think it looks good with one half writing and one half image.
 I added the title and main headline of the article to the top and in an appropriate font. I think the title looks good and looks good with the rest of the page.
I have added the text in 2 columns at the bottom half of the page, I think that the writing looks good in the position it is and with the first letter larger than the rest of the font makes it look professional.
I have added an information box with an insight to the article and the name of the tour, band and editor/writer. This is what I discovered when looking at existing spreads that they often change the colour of important names. I think this makes it look professional.