Thursday 24 October 2013

Journal for Film Poster


The creation of my film poster was constructed on Photoshop, it went well after having the experience using the programme with my AS coursework I knew what I was doing. I did not have to do a specific photo shoot for my film poster, however now looking back I think that it would have been a good idea to get a range of images that were done in a studio rather than on the film trailer shoot itself. The image that I used was still very good quality and was shot on the Canon 6D camera, the photograph has a professional feel and I think it complies with the conventions of a film poster.  I followed other conventions of a film poster for my own product, I referred back to my audience research when I was creating it to make sure that I was constantly appealing to them specifically. I feel my Survey Monkey was really useful with this task as I had to ensure that I was including the aspects of a film poster that they wanted to see and in terms of conventions it helped me follow them specifically. Overall I am pleased with the results of my film poster and I think it has a professional feel to it, however looking back I would have definitely conducted a specific photoshoot for the poster as the image doesn't necessarily comply with the conventions of a film poster image. I found the film poster taskmore difficult than the magazine front cover as there is no specific place that a film poster will be placed and therefore it needs to be aesthetically pleasing up close (e.g cinema wall) but be able to be seen from far away ifit was for example on a billboard on the side of a building.

Friday 14 June 2013

Screen Shots of Editing Process

This is the process I went through on Photoshop in order to make my film poster.

 The first step of the editing process of my film poster was to ensure that I made adjustments to the image that I was using. I adjusted the exposure slightly in order to make the photograph lighter.
I then went on to adding the text, I started with the film title 'Legacy' this is the largest text on the poster because it is essentially the most important. Referring back to the common conventions of others it is always the largest font. Also looking back at my audience research the audience for the poster is adults (parents/guardians) to do with the children going to see  the film and with them seeing the poster on the way to work maybe the film title needs to be the biggest for them to see. Film posters are usually posted on the back of buses or in train stations where you will only see a glimpse of them.
I also added the tag line, the tag line being 'where others have failed they will not' I chose this tag line as I think it sums up the film and would entice the audience to go and see it.

The next step was to add the names of the main actors in the film. Once again I referred back to my research on the conventions of a film poster and how the names are usually positioned at the top or the bottom of the poster. I chose to place mine at the top of the poster as I think it looked best there. Getting the layout it crucial because if the poster is not aesthetically pleasing the audience will not even look at it.

 The final step was to add the date it was going in to the cinema. I think that using a different colour font for the date was essential to make it really stand out from the rest of the text. It is important to include this on the poster to ensure the audience know when they can go and see it.


Final Film Poster

Originals Images

Original Images

This is a good photograph with the subject in focus and the background blurred gives it a professional feel. I may use this image as it fits the conventions of a magazine/poster image being a close up shot of one of the main actors. The target audience being adults will get a feel of the genre with the mise-en-scene of the wizard costume and the make up on the models face.

This is a really good quality photograph with the setting and model included it looks like a fantasy photo. However because it is an extreme long shot of the actor it would be less appropriate to be an image for a front cover of a magazine. 

This photo is an over the shoulder shot and would not be able to be used due to the fact the model has his back to the camera. The background of the image suits the genre as it is establishing the scene and is relevant to the fantasy genre. 

This image is  inappropriate, the background of this is of a town with modern houses. This does not fit in with the genre I am going for. It is a long shot of one of the actors and he is also looking away from the camera which means it could not be used. 

This photograph is point of view shot and of the scenery and the location the film is based. This would not be able to be featured on the front cover of the magazine or on a film poster, as it does not fit in with the conventions of having a main star featured. 

Again this is a point of view shot of the scenery and the setting of the film. The photograph would not fit with conventions of  film magazine or a film poster image. Also the photograph is slightly out of focus which means it definitely will not be featured in any of the magazine. 

This image is a long shot of the two actors mid production of  a fight scene, it would not be appropriate for the front cover of the magazine and would be something that would be seen in an article about the film inside a magazine. Not  to be used on the front cover or on a poster. It would be more suited to be inside a magazine as part of an article.

Locations List

Locations List

I have produced a list of the different locations I will use to shoot our film. The locations I have chosen are due to how they fit in to the genre of fantasy. Also referring back to my audience research an interesting setting is something that the audience rate highly on the things that are most important to them in a film.
The photographs I have taken for the magazine and poster were shot at the same location that the film was shot.

Roche Rock

I will be using Roche Rock to shoot the majority of the film trailer. It will be the setting for the fight between the wizard and warrior. Also the establishing for my film trailer. I think that Roche Rock is a very good setting for a fantasy film to create authentic mise-en-scene for my film. It provides the perfect scenery to shoot my film.

Wheel Coates

Again this location would provide the escapism of a fantasy film which according to my audience research it is what they will want. The setting is beautiful and it fits completely with the fantasy genre. This is essential to make the film realistic and believable.