Saturday 23 March 2013

Target Audience

I have done a survey monkey to get an idea of who my target audience will be.

This shows that my primary target audience is females however there is not that many more females than males so I need to ensure that I have appealed to both audiences. For example making sure that the colour palette and main icon is not aimed at one sex and would attract both a male and female audience.

From this I can see that the main audiences that I need to target is social classes B to D, E and A are in the minority and will not be the main audience I need to appeal to. The sort of thing I need to include to appeal to these social classes is particularly the price of the magazine because people in band B are more likely to have more disposable income than band D.

From this I can tell that my main audience will be white British this doesn't mean that I shouldn't include things that will be a for all ethnicity's.

This shows that a lot of the people that read music magazines are interested in the rock and indie genre, this is what I know best about and therefore this is the genre I am going to do for my own music magazine.

It is obvious from this that the convention my audience will like to see is the main image, this is because if you know that the artist or band on the front then you are more likely to be interested in the rest of the magazine and therefore you will buy it. The second most popular was layout because the more layered and specific the more aesthetically pleasing it will be for the audience.

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