Saturday 23 March 2013

Draft Article/Flat Plans

The latest indie band to come on the scene The Strings who are being compared to ‘Alt-j’ the multi award-winning band. Rocking up in his Vans and mustard jumper you can tell that he belongs to the new hipster craze, he gets everyone laughing with his sarcastic ‘witty’ comments lead singer Jon comes in to tell us how crazy the last year has been.

Coming from Kilkee a small town in the South of Ireland the boys are no doubt overwhelmed by the storm they are causing in the music industry. Growing up in a small town Jon tells us how different it all is “Well shit all happens in Kilkee and going from that to the constant media attention here is mental”

They are about to embark on their very first headlining tour in the UK with three of the dates already sold out. Smiling as always Jon says, “It’s mental that last year we had just finished college and now we’re being recognized in the streets”

Jon explains to us that the whole thing has been so overwhelming and how he hasn’t seen his family in over 3 months. “Its hard because we’ve been travelling and doing small gigs all over the UK and I never get chance to visit my family” Being only eighteen he’s hardly old enough to even drink the Desperados in his hand, never mind deal with being away from family.

“In a way this is my right of passage, I’m getting to travel to new places everyday with my best friends, cant think of anything better” Its nice to know that the fame hasn’t gone to his head and that the band is enjoying the moment rather than taking it all for granted.

We get him to spill the beans on what happens on tour, being four teenage boys its bound to have some naughtiness involved. “What happens on tour, stays on tour” he laughs. “No but seriously we don’t do anything too crazy. However if its just me and Jack (White-Bassist of The Strings) we often get ridiculously drunk and wake up in the middle of nowhere thinking what the fuck happened last night”. Being only eighteen you expect these sorts of things to happen to you, especially with the amount of freedom, its gives them time to find themselves.

‘We weren’t expecting the reaction we got from the album’ Jon explains that they were not expecting the public to be quite so accepting and in fact the y were expecting it to be a flop as there are so many new and upcoming indie bands at the minute. They have already been compared to the likes of Alt-j which is incredible in itself.


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