Thursday 31 January 2013

Audience Research and Flat Plans

Who is my target audience in the main body of the text? 

The target audience for my college magazine is 11-19 year olds as these are the ages of the students that attend the college and therefore who will be reading it. The content of the magazine has to appeal to my target audience as they have to be interested in this in order to read it. Both sexes are the target audience as students it is open to both male and females, it has to appeal to both sexes without being biased. My target audience would like to know about events and things that are happening around the college, so I will need to include stories about this as well.  Photos and information has to be featured as the audience would also be interested in images of recent college trips and events. There is a as well a secondary target audience of the students parents as they need to know what is happening at their child's school and of course they would also be interested in the opportunities the college has to offer. Another thing they would be interested in is the events that are going on that may involve their son/daughter. The secondary target audience would also be interested in the movement and development of the college so this would be important to include.

From the results of my Survey Monkey I have discovered further information on my target audience and who I need to appeal to in my magazine. I found out that the majority of the audience that read the college magazine are female, so now I know that I need to appeal to a primary female audience and therefore cater for what they would enjoy.

From this I know that I need to appeal to the audience ages between 14 and 19 because from this it is evidence that there no-one under the age of 14 reads the college magazine which means I do not need to make them the priority when considering the content of my magazine. This is a lot of help because it avoids including information that won't necessarily be important and I can improve it further.

I can tell from these results from Survey Monkey that in fact the majority of people don't actually read the college magazine.Which means I need to make sure that I change peoples opinion and actually make sure that I attract the audience to read on and enjoy it.

Its obvious that the majority of people would like to see entertainment stories on the front cover as this is what would interest them the most in order for them to continue reading. Obviously the target audience are interested in entertainment stories mostly and then the rest follow.

I can see from these results that the audience would most likely to see an interesting layout and models that represent and no-one is interested in teasers or an issue number. I now know what I need to include on my front cover and the sort of things that need to be included. This is helpful as I know now that what would interest my target audience and make them overall interested in the magazine.


 Front cover;

Contents page;

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