Tuesday 26 February 2013

Feature Article Analysis

Like I have done with my other analysis I need to analyse existing products before creating my own once again following what Bentley said (1997) the creative process is “Making of the new by rearranging of the old.” This is essential with the main article as it is the feature article and is the second most important thing next to the front cover because the main article needs to support whatever the front cover is telling the audience. I chose NME once again as I feel as if it represents the indie/rock genre best and this is what I want to follow when creating my final piece.
            The main headline of a magazine article must be something that is relevant to the article, they are usually quotes from the article itself but this varies from magazine to magazine. The main headline of this article is ‘No pain. No gain’ which is what the article itself is about. This is important as the reader and audience must be interested in the article in order to read it. This would appeal to men (target audience) as the abstract noun ‘pain’ is something you would connote with men as it interests them and it’s a masculine word. However the smaller quote in amongst the text itself talks about depression or some form and this may appeal more to the secondary target audience of women as they females are usually more interested in peoples personal backgrounds and things like that. The colours of the font are mostly black for the main body of the text, quote and heading, but there are also blue aspects like the quotation marks and who said it. The blue makes those particular bits of text stand out to the audience but it connects with the colour palette of the image also. 
               The imagery or image on the double page spread article is of the artist that the article is about Biffy Clyro. In terms of iconography this image would appeal more the female audience as he is topless in the image and therefore this would be considered sexy, attractive, seductive. Its an action shot so he is not posing in any way, which would make the reader interested because it’s a shot from a gig of there’s. Men may be interested in this shot because of what he is wearing and he may be seen as a role model to them. I think it is very important to have the feature image the main focus. 
            Overall the style of this double page spread is very interesting as the image is positioned on the left page taking up the whole page and the article is on the right side. I think this is a good style however I don't think I will follow this convention when I create my own magazine. 

           Like I have done with my other analysis I need to analyse existing products before creating my own once again following what Bentley said (1997) the creative process is “Making of the new by rearranging of the old.” This is essential with the main article as it is the feature article and is the second most important thing next to the front cover because the main article needs to support whatever the front cover is telling the audience. I chose NME once again as I feel as if it represents the indie/rock genre best and this is what I want to follow when creating my final piece.

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